About Lofton Enterprises

Lofton Enterprises are here to provide maximum efficiency.

In the constant search for ways to reducing the drag of semi-trucks, Lofton Enterprises have designed and developed a trailer fairing, which is called Air Force One Trailer Fairing, which is drastically different from any on the market today and can do just that.  The way our fairing is designed could significantly increase fuel efficiency, therefore reducing carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

Lofton Enterprises would like the opportunity to introduce our fairing to you and demonstrate how our design can make semi-trucks more aerodynamic, use less fuel, therefore, saving the industry millions of dollars. 

Trailer Fairing - Lofton Enterprises

Why Choose Air Force One Trailer Fairing?

We provide personalized service for all of our clients

Highest level of service at all times

Quality manufactured trailer fairing built with pride in the USA

We stand by our products proudly and guarantee our work
